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The Serial Hardware Tutorial
By Yousuf J. Khan (FidoNet 1:163/215.4)
Revision: Jan 20, 1993
Serial communications on the IBM PC and compatible range of computers
conforms to the RS-232C serial port standard. The chip that implements
and controls the RS-232 serial port is the UART.
BIOS Data Segment
The base port addresses of each UART can be pointed to by reading the
four memory words at offset 0, 2, 4, and 6 from the start of the BIOS
Data Segment (BDS), segment 40h. Each word points to the starting port
address of a UART assembly. These pointer words are known commonly as
COM1, COM2, COM3, and COM4.
Some standard base port locations to put the UART assemblies are at
ports 02E8h, 02F8h, 03E8h, and 03F8h, in no particular order. If one of
the port pointers is zero, then that indicates that a serial port does
not exist there.
Any code snippets in this tutorial are compatible with Tasm 2.0
assembler (but likely will work with many other versions of assemblers).
They may refer to a fictional memory location known as [COMX]. [COMX] is
a word variable representing anything from COM1 through COM4.
There have been about four major functional revisions of the UART. The
first one in the series was the National Semiconductor 8250.
The next version was the NS 16450. There was also an 8250A, which was
functionally identical to the 16450, therefore is really just a 16450.
The addition of a scratch register is what distinguishes a 16450 from
the 8250.
After the 16450, came the 16550A. The 16550A added a 16 byte FIFO buffer
to the data register. The FIFOs insulate the serial communications from
disruptions caused by high interrupt latencies in the computer. There
was also a 16550 (non-A), but that one had disfunctional FIFOs, so it
looks and acts just like a 16450. From now on any references to a
"16550" assumes we are talking about the 16550A revision and later.
The most recent addition to the family are the Type 3 UARTs, found in
late model IBM PS/2's. The Type 3's can read and write data using the
DMA circuitry of the PC. There is also a new, switchable, higher speed
baud rate clock on the Type 3's, which raise maximum baud rates by 6
The Data register (offset 0)
The data register is at offset zero in the port addresses. If you read
from it, it becomes the Receive Data register, and if you write to it,
it becomes the Transmit Data register. The data register is eight bits
long, and is common to all revisions.
If you have an UART with FIFOs (ie. 16550+ only), and they are enabled,
then you do not have to stop reading or writing after doing just one.
You may simply keep reading until the receiver FIFO is empty. Or you may
simply keep writing until the transmitter FIFO is full. Each character
will get pushed up through the FIFO stack.
The Interrupt Enable register (offset 1)
At the port offset one is the Interrupt Enable register. This register
controls what sorts of change of state will cause the UART to interrupt
the CPU. You write to this port to set the states, and you read from
this port to get the states. Only the first four bits (bits 0-3) are
defined, the remainder are zero.
7 4 3 2 1 0
│ 0000 │ MS │ LS │ T │ R │
Bit 0 (R): enable Receive data ready int
Bit 1 (T): enable Transmit data empty int
Bit 2 (LS): Line Status int. Any change in the Line Status
register with this bit set will cause an int.
Bit 3 (MS): Modem Status int. Any change in the Modem Status
register with this bit set will cause an int.
Bits 4-7: reserved, cleared.
Sample code:
;The following is an example of setting only the MS bit without
;turning on any of the other bits.
IER record ms:1,ls:1,t:1,r:1
mov dx, [comx] ;get comport address
inc dx ;one offset from base
mov al, IER <1,0,0,0> ;set just MS bit
out dx, al
The Interrupt ID register (offset 2)
The register at this offset has a split personality depending on whether
you are reading from or writing to it. If you are reading from it, then
this is the Interrupt ID reg. For the 8250 & 16450, this register has
only the bit fields 0-2 defined. For the 16550 and above, three
additional bit fields have been defined. All undefined fields, on any
particular revision, are cleared.
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
│ FIFO │ 00 │ FT │ ID │ I │
Bit 0 (I): Interrupt pending. Simply indicates an interrupt
occurred, but not what the cause was (as set by
Interrupt Enable register).
Bits 1-2 (ID): Indicates what the cause of the interrupt was.
00b Look in Modem Status register
01b Transmit data int occurred
10b Receive data int occurred
Bit 3 (FT): 16550+ only. FIFO Timeout. Set only in conjunction
with ID bits = 10b (Receive data) condition. Allows the
processor to read the last few bytes left in the FIFO
buffer, which would otherwise be not enough to trigger a
full receive data int.
Bits 4-5: reserved, cleared
Bits 6-7 (FIFO): 16550+ only. Mode status.
00b Char mode, ie. emulate 8250 or 16450.
01b DMA mode. Type 3 UART only.
11b FIFO mode.
Sample code:
;The following is a sample interrupt handler which determines
;if an int occurred & what sort of int occurred.
IID record fifo:2,rsrv:2=0,ft:1,id:2,i:1
mov dx, [comx]
add dx, 2 ;two offsets from base
in al, dx
test al, mask i ;did an int occur on this comport?
jne no_irq ;no? then branch
and al, mask id ;mask all but ID bits
cmp al, iid <,,,01b,>;transmit data empty int?
pop ax ;restore AL
je transdata ;yes? then write to buffer
cmp al, iid <,,,10b,>;received data int?
je rcvdata ;yes? then read buffer
The FIFO Control register (offset 2)
This is the other half of the Interrupt ID register, but only available
in write mode, and only available on the 16550+ UART. It is used to
control various aspects of the FIFO buffers.
7 6 5 3 2 1 0
│ FTS │ 000 │ TR │ RR │ FE │
Bit 0 (FE): FIFO Enable
Bit 1 (RR): Receive buffer reset
Bit 2 (TR): Transmit buffer reset
Bits 3-5: reserved, cleared
Bit 6-7 (FTS): FIFO Trigger Size. Sets how full the receive
FIFOs may get before it ints.
00b 1 byte
01b 4 bytes
10b 8 bytes
11b 14 bytes
The Line Control register (offset 3)
Common to all revisions. You use this register to set things like baud
rates, word size, parity, etc.
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
│ D │ B │ SP │ EP │ P │ S │ WS │
Bits 0-1 (WS): Word Size. Number of data bits.
00b 5 bits
01b 6 bits
10b 7 bits
11b 8 bits
Bit 2 (S): Number of Stop bits (one or two)
Bit 3 (P): Parity enable. Parity checking is done as a
primitive form of error checking. It involves counting
up the number of 1 data bits in the data word. If EP is
set, then parity is set such that it will make the
number of 1's even. Otherwise it is set such that it
will make the number of 1's odd.
Bit 4 (EP): Even Parity (set=even, cleared=odd)
Bit 5 (SP): Sticky Parity. This is not really parity checking.
If the P and SP bits are set, then this simply sets the
parity bit either on or off all the time. It's not so
much an error check as it is a place marker, so the
receiver will always see a known bit at the exact same
point in the data flow.
Bit 6 (B): Send Break. Some comm programs require that this
special modem signal be sent to end transmissions for
example. While this bit is set the break signal will be
continuously sent over the modem, until this bit is
Bit 7 (D): Access Divisor Latch. This is used to set the baud
rates. When this bit is set, it takes over the Data and
Interrupt Enable registers (offsets 0 and 1), and turns
them into Baud Rate Divisor (BRD) register. All the
revisions have a 1.8432 MHz countdown clock. The Type 3
can also switch to an optional 11.0592 MHz clock. The
BRD register is a 16 bit counter. It counts down every
clock tick, until it reaches zero, at which point it
transmits or receives another bit on the line. At 1.8432
MHz, some common BRD values are: 96d = 1200 baud, 12d =
9600 baud, 1d = 115,200 baud.
Sample code:
;The following is sample code to set baud rates
LCR record d:1,b:1,sp:1,ep:1,p:1,s:1,ws:2
mov dx, [comx]
add dx, 3
in al, dx ;get current settings
push ax ;save AL
or al, mask d ;turn on D bit in AL without affecting
; any of other bits
out dx, al ;send command
mov dx, [comx] ;back to [COMX]
;note: there's probably no reason to set the upper byte of the
; BRD latch, because serial comm hardly ever gets that slow,
; that it needs to be set. So just set lower byte of BRD.
mov al, 12 ;ie. 9600 baud
out dx, al ;this reg is now BRD, not Data reg
add dx, 3
pop ax ;restore AL
out dx, al ;set BRD back to Data
The Modem Control register (offset 4)
This register is used mainly to communicate between the computer and the
local modem. It is common to all revisions.
7 5 4 3 2 1 0
│ 000 │ L │ O2 │ O1 │ RTS │ DTR │
Bit 0 (DTR): Data Terminal Ready. Simply indicates to the modem
that the data terminal (ie. the computer) is ready and
waiting for the modem. The modem would then send a Data
Set Ready (DSR) back to computer when it was ready.
Bit 1 (RTS): Request To Send. In the olden days before the
current generation of smart modems, this was the signal
to the modem to blindly place a carrier signal on the
line. When connection to the remote modem was
established, then the local modem would activate both
the DCD and CTS signals back to the computer.
Bit 2 (O1): Out 1. Not used in PCs.
Bit 3 (O2): Out 2. Master Enable Interrupts. This bit enables or
disables all interrupts, regardless of the state of the
Interrupt Enable register.
Bit 4 (L): Loop. Reroutes the output of the transmitter back to
the receiver. Used for testing the UART circuitry.
Bits 5-7: reserved, cleared
The Line Status register (offset 5)
This register indicates the status of the line. There are fields which
indicate various errors that can occur in the line.
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
│ RE │ TS │ TH │ BI │ FE │ PE │ OE │ DR │
Bit 0 (DR): Data in Receive buffer
Bit 1 (OE): Overrun Error. Occurs if one doesn't read the
receive buffer before the next character comes in.
Bit 2 (PE): Parity Error
Bit 3 (FE): Framing Error. It probably has something to do with
start and stop bits being out of place.
Bit 4 (BI): Break Interrupt. Indicates a break signal coming
from the other modem has been detected.
Bit 5 (TH): Transmitter holding register empty
Bit 6 (TS): Transmitter shift register empty
Bit 7 (RE): 16550+ only. Error in receive FIFO.
The Modem Status register (offset 6)
This register is common to all revisions. The register is split into two
functional halves. The upper nibble indicates the current state of the
DCD, RI, DSR, and CTS lines, while the lower nibble indicates whether
any of these lines have changed since you last inspected them. I will
prefix all the lower nibble, change fields with a "d", the calculus
symbol for change.
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
│ DCD │ RI │ DSR │ CTS │ dDCD │ dRI │ dDSR │ dCTS │
Bit 0 (dCTS): Change in CTS
Bit 1 (dDSR): Change in DSR
Bit 2 (dRI): Change in RI
Bit 3 (dDCD): Change in DCD
Bit 4 (CTS): Clear To Send. Modem sets this line indicating that
it is ready for data, after computer indicates that it
is ready for data with an RTS. It used to be a signal
that the local modem has connected with a remote modem
too, in the olden days.
Bit 5 (DSR): Data Set Ready. This is the completing signal in a
DTR-DSR pair. Computer sends DTR to modem, saying it
wants to connect with it. Modem sends DSR back to
computer, saying that connection has been established.
Bit 6 (RI): Ring Indicator. Indicates that there is remote modem
attempting to call your local modem.
Bit 7 (DCD): Data Carrier Detect. Indicates that the remote
modem has established connection with local modem.
The Scratch register (offset 7)
Simply a place to jot down notes to yourself, does not affect UART
operations at all. No functional purpose, except that it does
distinguish the original 8250 from all later revisions. Only available
on 16450+.
The Type 3 enhanced registers
The next set of registers only apply to the IBM Type 3 DMA UART. This
UART, on top of the fact that it can act just like a 16550 FIFO UART,
can even read and write the data directly to memory without any
intervention from the CPU. It also has a higher maximum baud rate than
all previous revisions, thanks to a dual speed clock. The enhanced
registers are all accessed at least 8000h offsets away from their base
port. So if a baseport is found at 3F8h, then the first enhanced
register will be found at 83F8h. So far this UART is only found on IBM
PS/2 models 57, 90 & 95, but there is no reason why in the future they
can't be installed on ISA machines either. All the input and output
memory addresses are set by setting the PC's DMA channels (I don't know
which channel, though). It is beyond the scope of this tutorial to show
you how to control DMA channels.
Sample code:
;Sample code to detect Type 3 UART
;this is a record for the bit fields of DMA CMD Reg 1
DCR1 record dr:1,dt:1,rs:1,tcr:1,tct:1,se:1,te:1,rc:1
mov dx, [comx]
add dx, 8003h ;8003h offsets from base
in al, dx ;get current settings
or al, mask dt ;turn on DMA transmit (DT) bit
mov ah, al ;save AL in AH
out dx, al
mov dx, [comx]
add dx, 2 ;2 offsets from base, Int ID reg
in al, dx ;get current IID reg settings
;restore the DMA CMD Reg 1 to original state
mov dx, [comx]
add dx, 8003h
xchg al, ah ;restore AL from AH, and save current AL
and al, not mask dt ;turn off DT bit
out dx, al
;this is a record of the primary Int ID reg
IID record fifo:2,rsrv:2=0,ft:1,id:2,i:1
mov al, ah ;restore AL from AH
and al, mask fifo ;mask off FIFO mode bits
cmp al, <1,,,,> ;if FIFO mode bits = 1,
je yes_dma ; then DMA mode is on
The Command register (offset 8000h)
This is a write-only register. Only the lower two bits are used, all the
rest are reserved.
7 2 1 0
│ 000000 │ CMD │
Bits 0-1 (CMD): Command bits. Can be used to suspend a DMA
transmit at any time.
01b Start sending
10b Stop sending
11b Reset error
Bits 2-7: reserved, cleared
The Secondary Interrupt ID register (offset 8001h)
In non-DMA mode, this register exactly matches the lower nibble of the
primary Interrupt ID register (offset 2, read). However, there are two
more bits defined in this register's upper nibble, because of the extra
7 6 5 1 0
│ 00 │ ID │ I │
Bit 0 (I): Interrupt pending
Bits 1-5 (ID): Interrupt ID.
00000b Modem status
00001b Transmit data
00010b Receive data
00011b Line status
00110b FIFO receive buffer timeout
10000b Receive DMA terminal count. If the TCR bit in
the next register is set, then the UART will
interrupt the processor, when it reaches the end
of the DMA receive buffer.
10001b Transmit DMA terminal count. If TCT bit in next
register is set. End of DMA transmit buffer.
10010b Receive Char Count. If RC bit in next reg is
set. Ints everytime another byte is received, so
you can check Char Count reg (offset 8007h).
10011b Transmit REGS empty. If TE bit in next reg is
set. Ints if transmit register is empty.
11000b Compare match CHAR 0. If a match was made with
first comparison character, and if first
comparison function set to interrupt (see
offsets 8005h and 8006h).
11001b Compare match CHAR 1
11010b Compare match CHAR 2
Bits 6-7: reserved, cleared
The DMA Control 1 register (offset 8003h)
Enables and disables various interrupt conditions. Also enables DMA
transmit and/or receive mode.
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
│ DR │ DT │ RS │ TCR │ TCT │ SE │ TE │ RC │
Bit 0 (RC): Enable receive Char Count int. If set, then it will
int everytime there is a increment in the Char Count
register (offset 8007h).
Bit 1 (TE): Enable Transmitter Empty int
Bit 2 (SE): Stop transmission on receive error
Bit 3 (TCT): Enable Transmit Terminal Count int
Bit 4 (TCR): Enable Receive Terminal Count int
Bit 5 (RS): Store Status with Received data. If this is enabled,
then UART will store a byte of Line Status info right
after the data byte. Allows the CPU to see how valid
each data byte that came in was, without being
interrupted for each error.
Bit 6 (DT): Enable DMA transmit
Bit 7 (DR): Enable DMA receive
The DMA Control 2 register (offset 8004h)
The lower nibble of this register enables various hardware flow control
options. The upper nibble controls software flow pacing.
The Type 3 UART has two flow clock speeds, switchable via the HF bit.
The lower speed clock is 1.8432 MHz like all previous revisions, and is
there to maintain compatibility with those previous revisions. The
higher speed clock is 11.0592 MHz. This results in maximum throughput
going from 115,200 baud to 691,200 baud.
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
│ BP │ HF │ ST │ SR │ RDSR │ TDCD │ TDSR │ TCTS │
Bit 0 (TCTS): Control transmitter via CTS status
Bit 1 (TDSR): Control transmitter via DSR status
Bit 2 (TDCD): Control transmitter via DCD status
Bit 3 (RDSR): Control receiver via DSR status
Bit 4 (SR): Slow receiver by a fixed factor of 16. Allows slower
CPUs to keep up.
Bit 5 (ST): Slow transmitter by a fixed factor of 16
Bit 6 (HF): Use High-speed Flow clock
Bit 7 (BP): Byte pacing. When set, uses the Byte Pacer register
(offset 8007h, write), to slow baud rate by 256*value of
Byte Pacer.
The DMA Control 3 register (offset 8005h)
Only the lower three bits of this register are defined. They are used to
set the action to be taken when the UART encounters one of three
possible compare characters, and what those three compare characters
are. These three characters may be software control characters.
In the next port offset, are either the Character Compare registers or
the Compare Function registers. The AC bit chooses either the Compare or
the Function register. The CCA bits choose which one of three Compare or
Function registers.
7 3 2 1 0
│ 00000 │ CCA │ AC │
Bit 0 (AC): Register type select
0 func reg
1 char reg
Bit 1 (CCA): Register number select
00b reg 1
01b reg 2
10b reg 3
Bits 3-7: reserved, cleared
The Character Compare registers (offset 8006h)
There are three of these registers, each of which are bank switched from
the same port offset. Whenever the UART encounters any one of the three
characters stored at each register, it executes the required action from
the corresponding Compare Function registers (see next port).
7 0
│ ├┐ Char 0
└┬──────────┘├┐ Char 1
└┬──────────┘│ Char 2
Each Character Compare (CC) register may contain any 8-bit value. The CC
registers are gettable/settable whenever AC in the DMA Control 3
register is set. Each specific CC register is chosen from the CCA bits
in DMA Control 3.
The Compare Function registers (offset 8006h)
Each of these CF registers complement each of the CC registers. They
specify what action is to be taken whenever a data character comes in
matching one of the CC characters. Only the lower nibble of these
registers is defined.
7 4 3 2 1 0
│ 0000 │ STARTT │ STOPT │ DEL │ INT ├┐ Func 0
└┬─────┴┬───────┴┬──────┴┬────┴┬────┘├┐ Func 1
└┬─────┴┬───────┴┬──────┴┬────┴┬────┘│ Func 2
Bit 0 (INT): Int CPU if match found
Bit 1 (DEL): Delete character if match found
Bit 2 (STOPT): Stop transmitter if match found
Bit 3 (STARTT): Start transmitter if match found
Bit 4-7: reserved, cleared
Any of those above bits may be set independently, but of course if bits
2 & 3 are both set, they'll likely cancel out.
The Char Count register (offset 8007h)
Read mode only. This register shares this port offset with the Byte
Pacer Register, which operates in write mode only. This contains an
8-bit count of the number of characters received. If RC in DMA Control 1
is set, then everytime this register changes, then the CPU is alerted by
an interrupt.
The Byte Pacer register (offset 8007h)
Write mode only. If the BP bit in DMA Control 2 is set then the value of
this register times 256 is used as the factor to slow down the baud rate
-Douglas Boling, of PC Magazine. His serial port articles in PC Mag, May
12th and 26th, 1992 got me started on this tutorial of my own.
-Matthew Hildebrand, of Fidonet 1:247/128.2, for some of his insights.
Revision History
Description of changes made to The Serial Hardware Tutorial:
Jan 1, 1993 -First release
Jan 15, 1993 -Second release
-Contained a small clarification about the purpose of
Break in the Line Control and Line Status registers.
-Contains a clarification to a minor bit of confusion
about how to choose DMA memory locations for the Type 3
-Looking for information on which DMA channel the Type
3's use. If anybody has this information, let me know.
Jan 20, 1993 -Third release
-Contains a more definitive definition of the Break bit
in the Line Control and Line Status registers.
-Still searching for info on which DMA channel is used
by Type 3's.